Recent Writing
“Reenactment As Negotiation: Kaouther Ben Hania’s Four Daughters,” Docalogue, July/August 2024. Link.
“Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Documentary Distribution After the Streaming Wars,” NRFTS Blog, Fall 2023. Link.
“Beyond the Algorithm: Curating a Streaming Library for Documentaries.” New Review of Film and Television Studies (forthcoming).
How Documentaries Went Mainstream: A History, 1960-2022. Oxford University Press, 2023. Link.
Book Review: Reclaiming Popular Documentary, ed. Christie Miliken and Steve F. Anderson, Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 72, no. 3, Winter 2023. Link.
Book Review: Documentary’s Expanded Fields: New Media and the Twenty-First-Century Documentary, by Jihoon Kim, Film Quarterly, Fall 2022. Link.
“Political Goals versus Commercial Goals: Emile de Antonio’s Rush to Judgment on the Market.” Media Industries Journal, volume 6, issue 2. Link.
“Small Screen to Big Screen: Made-for-TV Movies in American and International Cinemas.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television, volume 37, number 4. Link.